Career. You building your career is something you would be looking forward to from a long time. Everyone dreams of a great career. You even work hard to get the dream life you wanted, and that is through your career. The path you take to be who you want to start from your education and ends with your job. Everything in between is your career. So, what exactly is a career?
The career is an individual’s metaphorical “journey” through learning, work and other aspects of life.
There are a number of ways to define career and the term is used in a variety of ways. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word “career” as a person’s “course or progress through life”. This definition relates “career” to a range of aspects of an individual’s life, learning, and work. “Career” is also frequently understood to relate to the working aspects of an individual’s life. A third way in which the term “career” is used describes an occupation or a profession that usually involves special training or formal education, considered to be a person’s lifework. In this case “career” is seen as a sequence of related jobs, usually pursued within a single industry or sector. A career has been defined by organisational behaviour researchers as “an individual’s work-related and other relevant experiences, both inside and outside of organisations, that form a unique pattern over the individual’s life span.”
With increasing competition in today’s era, it is very important for each child to recognise their passion and interest to pursue their career. Education is the stepping stone for one’s career, hence success. By the time a student reaches High School there is a frantic search to define, discuss and decide which career path to choose. Students clearing boards face a great dilemma and the biggest question hounding them is, “Which career is right for me?” or “How can I find out the best career option for me?” The frantic search for that ‘perfect career option’ for each one of such students is an uphill struggle as the modern information age has opened up uncountable possibilities in all fields.
The digital age has brought a paradigm shift in the way an individual perceives career and work options. The fixation for traditional career options like Engineers, Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, etc have fizzled out and unconventional, skill-oriented jobs and businesses have captured everyone’s imagination.
There are many benefits in having a career purpose. Here are just to name a few.
In conclusion we’d like to say that it’s important to remember that when you know what makes you happy, you can find ways to get it more easily. What’s essential is that you allow yourself to stay in a creative mental space so you can see which opportunities are open to you. And the more you enjoy your job, the more you’ll see chances to gain even more satisfaction from your work. The result can only be a happier and more successful you. So if you believe happiness at work has eluded you, perhaps now you’ll find the motivation and inspiration you need to take that first step towards creating more of what you want in your life and work.
I want to become an Scientist. And I follow the steps in the blog and succeed in my career
Dreams :Everyone wants to be successful and prosperous. I also dream of being successful in my career. The lifestyle I want my life to look like in future is of course bright and a happy lifestyle. I want my life to be without any stress and never being in need of money at all. I want to imagine that I would have good health, a good car and to have my own house one that is outdoor looking and beautiful with four to five rooms. I know it will cost a lot of money to own that kind of house and car. For that, I would have to earn good amount of salary.
Lifestyle Goals: Live a healthy lifestyle,Travel to all continents of the world,Write a personal development book
,Fly a plane,Have an emergency fund that is to the value of at least a years income,To walk every day for a year 10,000 steps,To find what I love to do,etc
My dream is to be a game designer and I don’t want any stress. I want a 3 to 5 room mansion or apartment with a car and a gaming setup for game designing and a peaceful and healthy living.
This is a very good quotient childrens learn to do the captainship , mentorship
some occupations I would like to suggest for vocational quotient are
sports captainship
and the last and the least a politician
I am very happy from my current lifestyle….because it give me by my parrents.
Afcourse my future career is in my hand. And I wish my career is bright and strong. I am intrested choose career in sports. I like cricket and football and try to success in that. I am not intrested in lot of money gaining. I just like like a name publicity.
I want to become an IAS . I will follow the steps in blog and succeed in my career
Thought for Incouraging
I want to became a space scientist and for that I have to prepare and do hard work to achieve it. Step by step I have to make my plans and goals sucessful. And also live a happy and healthy life. And I can do everything I can do for it.
I want to became a space scientist and for that I have to prepare and do hard work to achieve it. Step by step I have to make my plans and goals sucessful. And also live a happy and healthy life. And I can do everything I can do for it.
Thank you so much for this advice, this will surely help us in succeeding with our career. Appreciating each holistic session as well as each blog. Thanks again!