This course has been designed to keep in mind that your 7-8 yr old will be getting introduced to the world of finances at this age. Use this to the fullest to be able to develop saving habits and practical understanding immediately!
Pre-work: Warming up shares & activities
Post-work: Application Activities, Implementation Ideas, & Presentation
8 sessions for developing skills like Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Thinking Skills, Emotional intelligence, Soft Skills, Learning better, Career Guidance, etc.
Topics under this course
Begging, Stealing and Robbing
Hand Loan Giving and Taking
Prices of things around us
Sellers and Service Providers
Who gets Salary?
Pocket Money
Buying what we Need
Group activities, individual coaching & mentoring Sessions (as required), Worksheets
Class summary and supplemental reading/activities post each class
Introduction & Orientation reading / activities before each class
Activities: Role-play & Crossword.
Engagement: Match the following & Small Group Discussion.
Excitement: Icebreakers & Energizers.
Communication: Role Playing / Speech
Art Form: Collage / Poster / Personal Video Making
Craft Form: Creating a thing/ object (can be made of paper, wood, mud, tin, cardboard, etc.)