Course Description: This course has been designed to keep your 15-16 years old’s practical and contextualized knowledge about finances in mind. Your child will be directly able to apply the lessons of the class and develop healthy habits that stay on throughout their life!
Pre-work: Warming up shares & activities
Post-work: Application Activities, Implementation Ideas, & Presentation
8 sessions for developing skills like Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Thinking Skills, Emotional intelligence, Soft Skills, Learning better, Career Guidance, etc.
Topics under this course
Family Fixed Expenses
Rules, Fines and Penalties
Rent as Income or Expenses
Taking as Invoice
Which Business should one start?
Paying Digitally
Planning money for future needs
Group activities, individual coaching & mentoring Sessions (as required), Worksheets
Class summary and supplemental reading/activities post each class
Introduction & Orientation reading / activities before each class
Activities: Case studies & Triads
Engagement: Teach back & Small Group Discussion.
Excitement: Icebreakers & Energizers.
Communication: Extempore (JAM) / Interview / Surveying
Art Form: Blog writing / Making a Video
Craft Form: Collage making / PowerPoint presentation